A-ccept the fact that no one is perfect.
B-ible study is absolutely essential.
C-ount your many blessings.
D-ig deeply for worthwhile causes.
E-njoy the simple things in life.
F-ight for that which is right.
G-o to every Bible class and worship period.
H-elp the needy.
I- cannot do everything, but I can do something.
J-ust a cup of cold water in His name will receive a reward.
K-eep on keeping on even when others falter.
L-ove your enemies!
M-ost people do not intend to go to hell.
N-ext time turn the other cheek.
O-pen your heart and let God’s love in.
P-eople will not always be on your side.
Q-uality of life is more important that quantity of life.
R-eturn good for evil.
S-elfishness has ruined many congregations.
T-hankfulness is never untimely.
U-nderstand your leaders’ problems.
V-ictory is yours in Christ Jesus!
W-orry is your worst enemy.
X-ray your life and not the lives of others.
Y-earn for Heaven.
Z-est for living is no substitute for living in Christ.
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