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For more than 30 years Apologetics Press has published and disseminated materials for self study, group study, or evangelistic purposes. Topics range from evidences supporting the Christian Faith to highly controversial areas that challenge that Faith. Every two years we prepare a catalog of A.P. publications.
In the late 1970s, there was a need to make available more scripturally sound and scientifically accurate materials in the field of Christian apologetics. The idea for Apologetics Press was born—an idea that soon became a reality. The necessary legal steps then were taken to allow the work to be recognized as non-profit and tax-exempt by both State and Federal governments. In 1985, Apologetics Press moved into its own custom-built, 11,000-square-foot building that was debt free upon completion. Financial records are managed by certified public accountants, who also submit to the appropriate agencies all documentation required by State and Federal law.